Security starts with people

Andrew Austen, Chief Information Officer

Have you been to any technology conferences about security?  Chances are even if you haven't, you can picture what it would be like.  Walk through the conference halls and you will have row after row, booth after booth of vendors spruiking their latest black box to fix your security.

We've seen the progression of security products and solutions over the years, starting with virus scanners, anti-virus agents. We then moved into the age of firewalls and intrusion protection solutions. Now we can see a lot of threat protection services and AI based security solutions.

One of the biggest risk factors that is often overlooked by IT and businesses alike is its people.  The IBM Security Services Cyber Security intelligence report states that over 95 percent of all incidents investigated recognise human error as a major contributing factor. Unfortunately, a lack of knowledge and poor decisions contribute to increase the risks and exposure to your business to security threats and bad actors.

Having the right technology components and solutions in place are still necessary, and it's important that you have good practices, processes in place.  In addition to the technology, your internal governance, security training and security awareness of your staff is equally important.

When reviewing your security, consider the human factor as well as the technology components.  Security is more than technology; it starts with people.

Insight: People awareness is as important if not more so than technology when considering security.

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